Why You Should Go On A Career Retreat
Everyone needs a break now and then, no matter how much you love your job. I know that a weekend away can often help me recharge, even if I didn’t know I needed it!
Do you ever feel mentally rejuvenated after some time away? It’s not just about taking a vacation, or turning off your cell phone. You need to go on a retreat.
It might sound cheesy, but retreats — be them spiritual getaways to an island or a long weekends spent in self-reflection in your own living room — actually change the brain for the better. People who go on health retreats also have marked post-retreat health benefits.
What we’re talking about, though, is a career retreat. No, not one of those company-run weekend trips where you camp out with your coworkers and do team building exercises. This is more of a retreat from your career, for your career.
You need to take the time to go somewhere, alone, to rejuvenate your creative thinking, practice mindfulness, and truly think deeply about your career goals and vision. Retreats are an opportunity for growth and revitalization, and to really figure out what you want out of your career.
When I start feeling stuck in my day-to-day, I know it’s time to take a career retreat to evaluate my goals and revive my mindset.
Make it work.
A retreat can be any amount of time spent somewhere quiet and calming, whether that’s in a cabin in the woods or in a serene corner of your home. Wherever your retreat takes you, try to make it a solid two or three days (if you can manage a long weekend), so you can become fully immersed in your reflection. After all, studies show that reflection actually leads to success. You want to come away from your retreat feeling refreshed, creative, and firm in your career goals and values — and you need the right space and amount of time to do so.
Once you know where you’re going, you need to know what to do! A retreat is a break away from day-to-day stressors, but you still need to put the reflective work in.
On your retreat, you should:
· Deeply question your values, aspirations, and passions.
In order to really figure out whether or not you’re on the right oath, or evaluate your satisfaction, you need to know what you want out of your career. This isn’t just about knowing what you’re good at, or what kind of job you’re capable of. You need to really ruminate on your values, your goals, your passions… Use Career Companion to answer some hard career questions about your aspirations, life style, interests, and more.
· Learn about yourself.
In the same vein, knowing yourself is key to knowing what you want and how you feel. Studies even show self-awareness even improves self-esteem and confidence.
Use Career Companion to take personality tests, a great way to learn more about yourself and in turn become more confident!
· Develop goals that are right for you.
Setting goals is incredibly important, but you have to make sure the goals you set are right for you. Set goals based on your aspirations, so you can aim toward objectives that match up with what you consider success.
One way to make sure you’re setting great goals is to follow SMART goals — these are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bound goals. I’ve talked about them before, and how well they work for achieving success. Just make sure you write everything down! And remember: Success looks different for everyone. As long as your goals are right for you, it doesn’t matter if they line up with those of your coworker or friend.
· Update your career assets.
When was the last time you updated your resume, or organized your letters of recommendation? Even if you’re in a job you love, you never know when your career assets can come in handy. Take the time on your retreat to update and organize all of your assets using Career Companion’s FREE modules to track your career assets and keep everything in one place for easy access.
· Make a vision board.
Yes, that’s right, a vision board. Maybe it sounds a bit silly, but don’t knock it until you try it. In fact, studies show visualization is so crucial to success that Olympic athletes use it to improve their performances.
Visualization activates something called the reticular activating system, a bundle of nerves located at your brainstem that filter information so that only the most important stuff really sticks. A vision board triggers the RAS by merging your unconscious and conscious thought. This can also be thought of as setting intent. The more visual your board, the better!
A few days deeply ruminating and reflecting on yourself and your career can sound stressful, or even pointless, but it’s so valuable to your sanity and your career path. Your brain chemistry will change for the better, your physical health will improve, and your success will skyrocket! Are you ready for your career retreat? Where will you go, and what will you discover?
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