How To Build Your Career Dream Team
When it comes to your career, it can sometimes feel like you have to tackle everything on your own.
It’s a daunting idea that in order to build a happy, successful career, you have to have all the answers yourself. Luckily, this isn’t the case! There are people out there dedicated to helping you launch and advance your dream career. You just need to find them!
Who you need.
There are three main types of people you want in your corner when trying to advance your career. Consider these people your dream team — the advocates you need to help you be the most successful version of yourself possible. Of course, you are the most important ingredient in this team, but it always helps to have others around you, supporting you, and helping you achieve your goals.
Here are the three types of people you want on your career dream team.
1. Mentor.
A mentor is someone who you have a more informal relationship with. They are mostly there for emotional guidance, and to help you find the right career path for your success. A mentor is incredibly helpful in steering you in the right direction, In fact, the most successful people attribute their leadership skills and professional success to mentors. In fat, studies show that 80% of CEOs had a mentor at one time.
There are a few different types of mentors you can have on your side:
· Paid. Some, though not all, mentors charge for their services. When considering whether or not you want to pay for a mentor, remember how high the value of mentorship really is.
· Been there, done that. This is probably what most people think of when the word ‘mentor’ is said. This person has experience in your field, and can offer you specific insights that others might not be able to.
With mentorship, you’re in charge of driving the relationship. Mentors are there to be attentive to your needs and answer your questions. That means you also need to show up and do your work. Come with questions, concerns, or anecdotes to help your mentor help you.
2. Coach.
A coach is someone who helps you with performance. A coaching relationship is action-based and result-oriented, a partnership dedicated to helping you achieve a specific goal. Coaching often focuses on “soft skills” such as conflict management and difficult business conversations. Unlike a mentor, a coach will be more willing to give you specific advice on how to maneuver in your career.
With coaching, both parties can be driving forces in the relationship. You and your coach can both reach out to each other with questions and advice whenever necessary.
3. Sponsor.
A sponsor is a senior leader involved in using their influence to land you positions, promotions, or projects. It’s a higher-risk form of mentorship, as your sponsor is publically supporting you and endorsing your skills. A sponsor can be your superior at work, and can directly influence your workplace status and help you make those crucial connections.
Sponsors absolutely drive this relationship. They work to support you both with and without your presence, often advocating for you in meetings or behind closed doors.
With all these different types of people on your team, you’re sure to succeed. Your dream team is there to help you achieve everything you want out of your career, so take advantage of their skills, knowledge, and connections to help you reach greatness! But remember, your success also is up to you. Make sure you listen to your people, and take action after each meeting.
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