Here’s How To Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking
“I have learned that people will forget what you said, what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou
Are you afraid of speaking in public? You’re not alone. Here’s a mind-blowing statistic: more people are afraid of public speaking than dying. Studies show about 40–45% of people surveyed have glossophobia (fear of public speaking) while a smaller percentage, 19%, have necrophobia (fear of death).
Yes, you read that correctly… fear of public speaking is more common among people than fear of death. Of death!
Yet public speaking is such a huge part of life. In school you’re encouraged to read out loud; at work, to give presentations. Maybe you’ve had to give a toast or two at a wedding. No matter who you are, it’s pretty much a given that you’ll have to do some public speaking at some point in your life.
Public speaking can feel paralyzing, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing how to nail any public speaking situation will boost your confidence and improve your leadership and communication skills!
Here’s how to give a great speech, even if it scares you (almost) to death:
1. Prepare.
Preparation is key to a successful speech! Knowing what you want to say and how you want to say it can curb anxiety and help boost confidence. Some ways you can prepare are:
· Write an outline.
You don’t need to necessarily write down every single word you plan to say, but at least have down the beginning, middle and end. The outline will guide your speech and help your words and ideas flow smoothly. Use Career Companion’s FREE communication module to help you develop an outline, practice your speech, and manage your time.
· Develop stage presence.
Getting your audience on your side and attentive is all about how you present yourself. Someone with strong stage presence seems comfortable in front of an audience, even if they aren’t. One trick? Eye contact. Pick a handful of people in different parts of your audience and treat them like old friends. It will make you feel more at ease, and help your words land more effectively.
Another way to improve stage presence is to simply take a few deep breaths before you go on stage. This simple act triggers a relaxation response to adrenaline, which calms your nerves.
2. Start with a bang!
The way you begin your speech is essential to grabbing the audience’s attention, and keeping it. What types of beginnings are most effective in captivating your audience?
- Quotes.
Did you notice the Maya Angelou quote at the top of this article? Introducing your content with a quote is a great way to loop the audience in on what you’re about to say, while using already famous or popular words to do so. - Imagination scenarios.
Capture your audience by having them jump into their own imaginations. Begin with scenarios that force your audience to think. Try something like: “Imagine jumping out of a skydiving plane and your parachute doesn’t work. What thoughts would run through your head? How would your life change if the parachute did open, and you landed safely?” - “What if” scenarios.
Similar to imagination scenarios, “what if” scenarios force your audience to think, and therefore engage with what you have to say. Asking questions such as “What if we all said what was on our minds, all the time?” helps the audience follow your train of thought.
3. Use humor.
When do you feel most comfortable? It’s difficult to feel uneasy while laughing. Using humor in your speeches relaxes the audience and warms them to you; at the same time, it helps you as the speaker calm your nerves. Your piece of humor can be an anecdote, personal story, or conversation. Whatever it is, make sure it relates to the overall point of your speech so it isn’t simply free-floating.
4. Engage the audience.
There are numerous ways to keep your audience engaged… And it’s crucial to do so. A disengaged audience can make you even more nervous. If you know how to keep your audience engaged and focused, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident that your words are being heard. How can you do this?
· Have a Q&A
Letting your audience ask questions breaks the monotony of only you speaking, and gives you a bit of a breather. It keeps your audience engaged by allowing them to ask questions about what they are interested in. You don’t have to wait until the end to have a Q&A, either… Try building it in to your speech as a way to transition between topics.
· Set the reset button
If you notice your audience falling asleep halfway through your presentation, you might need to hit a reset. A good rule of thumb is to set a ‘reset button’ every 10 minutes. This can be done by using humor, telling stories, or piquing their interest with a statement such as “In summary…”
5. Be authentic.
At the end of the day, your audience will be the most receptive to your words if they feel like you actually mean what you have to say. Be your true self… you’ll end up exuding honesty, and therefore trust, to your audience.
Think about it this way: you are here to give your audience something of value. Don’t think about how they’ll perceive you… consider instead the value and wisdom you are passing on, that they will hopefully take with them when you leave the stage!
Stage fright doesn’t have to be paralyzing. Let Career Companion help you develop the right mix of practice, preparation, and stage presence!
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