3 Ways You Can Better Manage Your Time
A while ago, I read an article and watched its accompanying video by by Anese Cavanaugh… and it was her particular segment about ‘busy’ that struck me. She talks about how the word ‘busy’ has become the new ‘fine’ — the first thing you say when someone asks about you.
But busyness isn’t a badge of honor; it’s an energy killer.
What’s a better word to use? Productive. Active. Inspired.
Believe me when I tell you the words you use completely impact your energy and your outcomes. In fact, a study by Barbara L. Fredrickson shows that negative thinking narrows your thoughts, whereas positive thinking opens your brain to more possibilities. Optimism can even help you live longer… studies show women who are more optimistic have a reduced risk of dying from the major causes of death (heart disease, cancer, stroke, etc.) over a period of eight years.
Here are some tips to help you better manage your time, so you no longer have to say ‘busy’ again:
- Get an early start.
Completing even a simple task first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. For example, I make sure I make my bed each morning. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. And science shows early risers are more agreeable and proactive, and procrastinate far less than those who wake up later.
2. Be aware of time wasters.
There are so many distractions that can suck up your time without you even realizing it. Just because they’re time suckers, though, doesn’t mean you need to avoid it all together. You can still enjoy distractions such as social media or television. Perhaps consider using your time for time wasters when you’re doing inevitable activities such as waiting in line, to check your social media or any other distractions. Another suggestion is to consider setting times of day (like the end of the day for 30 minutes) that you allow yourself the mindless indulgence of social media. Setting boundaries is key in avoiding time sucks.
3. Get organized!
Being organized saves tons of time, and you don’t have to be the most ultra-organized person to change up your current systems. If you find yourself drowning in paper, consider these ideas:
· Batch your workload. Make one day a week for phone calls, another for content creation — or whatever categories consume your workweek.
· Start filing… Perhaps you have paperwork that’s relevant on a daily basis, versus paperwork you need once a month. Divide it up so you’re not digging so much.
· Manage a calendar. Set daily deliverables as goals for yourself and write them into an old school handwritten planner. This is so powerful, and everyone loves the feeling of properly crossing something off their list!
Food for thought
Imagine there’s a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening it deletes whatever part of balance you failed to use during the day.
What would you do? Max it out, of course!
This is what time is! Every morning, the time Gods grant your account with a credit of 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes it off as lost whatever you haven’t used. It carries over no balance, and it allows no overdrafts. Each day it opens a new account for you.
Live in the present in order to get the most of your time. Invest your time wisely so you can receive the utmost health, happiness and success. By better managing your time, you’re truly making the most of it.
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