3 Keys To Thriving In Your Career
Wondering how you can make your career even stronger? I don’t blame you. After all, the average person spends a third of their waking life at work… With all that time spent working on your career, you deserve to see results! You should have a thriving career, and you can use the three E’s to get one.
What are the three E’s? Explore, experience, evolve. They’re the essential ingredients to truly owning your career!
EEE Model Framework
You can use the three E’s to cultivate a thriving career… as long as you follow our EEE model framework, you’ll be on the right path.
1. Explore. Know yourself, your goals, and aspirations.
You are the CEO of your own career! But in order to be a good leader and cultivate success, you need to understand yourself, your goals, and your dreams for the future. Career Companion has free resources for you to take personality tests, answer career questions, and develop your core goals. Having goals that align with your personality is key to helping you develop purpose and take action.
Once you’ve explored yourself and what you want your career to look like, you can begin to shape the success you desire.
2. Experience. Establish yourself and your credibility.
Far too often job seekers think that they’ve “wasted time,” but that’s not true! Everything you experience is a stepping-stone towards building a thriving career. It’s important to keep track of your experiences so you can craft a strong resume and search for jobs well suited to you and your talents. Go through your resume and think about how you can communicate about each role you’ve experienced, as it’s key to be able to effectively discuss your experiences (and this is something most people don’t prepare to do).
With Career Companion, you get to keep all your career assets — resume, portfolio, referrals, cover letters — in one place, so you can easily access anything you need to establish yourself in your field.
Keeping track of experiences is important… but in order to do this, you need to have them in the first place! It’s not just about your job history. It’s also about deepening relationships with your peers or others who can help you thrive. In fact, studies show that 85% of jobs are filled through networking!
3. Evolve. Expand and grow into leadership.
It’s one thing to consider yourself a leader, and another to act on that belief.
Being a leader doesn’t necessarily mean being a manager… Leadership is an energy, a state of being. You can evolve your leadership skills by continuing to learn how to be a leader in everything you do.
Understand that roles don’t last, but relationships do (most business experts will tell you as much). Attend events, read articles, listen to podcasts… Do anything that allows you to reflect on what you already know, and what you have yet to learn.
The greatest leaders never stop learning and evolving, and neither should you.
How do you think you can use the EEE model framework to help your career? To help you become a better leader? Career Companion will help you stay organized and focused so you can concentrate on the three E’s and implement them into your career plan. Are you ready to start thriving in your career?
Sick Of Applying For Jobs And Never Hearing Back?
Career Companion has created a career success kit to help you stand out in the pile.